Pretty in pink

My kid loves pink. She assures me she loves all the colours of the rainbow, but given a choice she utters “Pink” with glee. I therefore bought loads of different pinks to make her a blanket out of Patons UK Fab DK – an easy to use acrylic yarn which makes great home projects.

Did I mention she likes pink. Well turns out, she doesn’t like all pinks and poo-poohed some of my choices. So we duly marched to the local yarn shop to get more shades….and came home with bright RED acrylic yarn. Yippeeeeeee good girl. Unfortunately, the weight was wrong so I order some more Fab online. The shade I got was darker than her choice but the end result of a pink and red blanket was lovely.



The design is a fudge as the number of stitches meant I ended up with 3hdc at the end of each of the 1 and 2 rows. Has something to do with maths I think. Anyway, it’s not like she’s noticed and I wasn’t about to unravel it all just to fix it.


A really simple design. Foundation chain of 141

First row: HDC in fourth chain. Skip 1, 2hdc in next chain. Repeat from * to* until end. Do a single HDC in last chain. Chain 3 turn
Row2: 1HDC in first chain (this forms the first shell together with the turning chain), Skip 1, 2hdc in next chain. Repeat from * to* until end. Do a single HDC in last chain. Chain 3 turn
Row 3 and 4, single DC in each chain across, chain 2 turn.

Repeat is
2 x Row 2 followed by row 3&4

When you are happy with the length, finish with a row 2.
Simple border of dc all around.

I had 3 skeins left over but my daughter really wanted the blanket so I finished it off with a simple border.

The 2×2 row pattern is gorgeous and I will definitely use it again for baby/child blankets though I would use a softer yarn for a baby. Fab DK is nice but I found the cherry colour wasn’t as soft as the candy.